Weve tried everything from a blowtorch to a diamond drill. On a tout essay du chalumeau.
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Lesplosione di un serbatoio di acetilene per fiamma ossidrica lasciato cadere dal signor Blunt nelle fondamenta.

Blowtorch traduzione. Blowtorch - Bunsen burner - by candlelight - candle snuffer - cigarette lighter - crush out - firelighter - fireproof - fizzle out - flare - flare up - flickering - gas jet - gas lighter - gutter - lick - light - light up -. Willie hes got a blowtorch. Your woman is lethal with a blowtorch.
A mans best friend. Se avessimo una fiamma ossidrica e mezza giornata sicuramente. Translations in context of Blowtorchdaki.
Und das ist kein gewhnlicher Schweibrenner. Ive risen from the prison in my head. With this round nozzle of photo equipment is actually a blowtorch.
Detonation of a blowtorch acetylene tank dropped through the substructure by Mr. Scopri la traduzione in italiano del termine blowtorch nel Dizionario di Inglese di Corriereit. Francese Traduzione di blowtorch La Collins ufficiale Dizionario inglese-francese on-line.
WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary. You know the last time I used a blowtorch. Flame - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti e discussioni del forum.
With the blowtorch was blazed faces in the ball. You know the last time I used a blowtorch was to. Oltre 100000 francese traduzioni di inglese parole e frasi.
Willie das ist ein Schneidbrenner. Traduzione per blowtorch nel dizionario inglese-italiano gratuito e tante altre traduzioni in italiano. Cannello laser a iridio.
A mans best friend. Your woman is lethal with a blowtorch. Ive slept in the depths of the Devils bed Ive risen from the prison in my head To find you To find you Waiting to be fed To find you To find you The one who made me sick.
Blowtorch n a small burner that produces a very hot flame used to remove old paint melt soft metal etc English Collins Dictionary - English Definition. If we had a blowtorch and half a day sure. Un băiat din Des Moines a aruncat o lampa de sudura n bunica lui.
Refers to person place thing quality etc. Waiting to be fed To find you. The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch testo canzone cantato da Brian Eno.
Babla arrow_drop_down babla - Online dictionaries vocabulary conjugation grammar Toggle navigation share. Quando ha in mano una fiamma ossidrica pu. In Turkish-English from Reverso Context.
Blowtorch translation in English - French Reverso dictionary see also blotchblowblotchyblot examples definition conjugation. Szleşmeli alışanları koruyorlar aynı Blowtorchdaki kodlayıcılar gibi. Il migliore amico di un uomo.
And thats no ordinary blowtorch. Soffiare soffiare suonare fare volare via soffiare via soffiare colpo brutto colpo colpo. My my my were treating each other just like strangers You cant ignore the.
Mit dem Schweissbrenner wurden Gesichter in die Kugel gebrannt. Blowtorch translation russian English - Russian dictionary meaning see also blowblotchyblotblow over example of use definition conjugation Reverso dictionary. Ive slept in the depths of the Devils bed.
A boy in Des Moines took a blowtorch to his grandmother.
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